Sunday, June 14

Sisters and Sand

It was time for the sisters to get together again...this weekend we went out to Patrice and Kristina's place in Huntington Beach for the day to enjoy all being together. We posted up at the beach for a couple hours and then went back to the house for a BBQ. (Patrice-you did it again with those grilled good!) I found myself on the beach yesterday, as we are all sitting there, being reminded once again of how thankful I am to live so close to family. I cherish every moment and just thank the Lord for what a neat relationship he has put between us. Jared, Patrice and Ryan are all our perfect compliments and the six of us have about as much fun together as Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Joey and Phoebe did from Friends...we love being together and enjoy all the laughter and fun we share. I don't think a Saturday could have been spent better than with siblings and sand! :)

1 comment:

jonesfamily said...

Jared and Jadie,
CONGRATS!!!! We are very excited for you guys and you have worked so hard for that! I check in on you through your blog and I must say, I am so jealous you guys are in So Cal! It always looks so nice and the ocean...! Man, live it up!